

Across the history of dealing with problems of increasing poverty in historic city centers of developing countries, studies have indicated high levels of demand and strong support for urban revitalization projects compared to other solutions such as; relocation or clearance and redevelopment. In such historic inner city centers, heritage can become a driver for development. Revitalization projects that demonstrate a concern for affordability for less wealthy citizens has become the best alternative to meet the needs of the citizens and small businesses in such deteriorated areas in old city centers. Preparing Alexandria for the 21st century has to take into account the way by which the city’s old city center will be developed. The city needs to be equipped with strong development strategies that will support its revitalization and development, based on studies of each part and area that holds special character and potentials. This paper proposes an adaptive urban revitalization project at Kom El-Dekka in Alexandria, Egypt. The proposed project is based on an investigation done and proposed by the authors in a previous study, where the history, potentials and present problems at Kom El-Dekka is highlighted. Two main points are discussed. First; the outcomes of the field survey and its analyses. Second; the proposed idea for urban, cultural and economic revitalization, followed by a discussion on the expected outcomes and their impact on the old city center of Alexandria.


Heritage Conservation, Tourism, Urban Upgrade, Revitalization, Inner City Development


Architecture | Arts and Humanities | Education | Engineering

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