
Author ORCID Identifier

Aya Chehab - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4434-170X


Open Public Spaces, according to Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), are vital elements of urban fabrics that animate communities in cities. These significant spaces not only provide the residents with different facilities, but also promote social, economic, environmental and health opportunities. Successful open public spaces meet the needs of people of various social classes, ethnicities, and different backgrounds in general. Despite its importance within the city, the lack of appropriate design and planning strategies in developing cities have resulted in a degradation of the urban environment and subsequently the quality of urban life. The problem needs to be addressed with sensitivity to space as well as the people- its main users. The research, therefore, aims to explore the attributes of successful open public spaces that contributes to enhance the quality of public life from users’ perspective. The research focuses on one case study: Horsh Al-Sanawbar, Beirut, Lebanon, which is perceived as the largest green public space in the heart of Beirut, where it plays a significant role in enhancing the public quality within the city. The paper argues that open public space dimensions consist of several attributes that makes an open public space successful, where these spaces can act as catalysts for enhancing the quality of life within the developing city. To prove this hypothesis, the paper adopts a qualitative approach, first, through desk research for defining the main keyword, and examining data from previous works and articles on the same topic wrote by various architects, urban planners, and theorists. Second a field methodology will be supported by questionnaire survey, walking interviews, and onsite observations regarding the four key attributes of successful open public spaces that are: physical, social, functional, and perceptual attributes. The author finally suggests a series of dimensions found in the design and development of open public spaces, that will contribute to create a design guideline for using the attributes in achieving better open public spaces.


Open Public Space, Attribute, Urban Design, Quality of Life, Developing City


Architecture | Arts and Humanities | Psychology | Urban Studies and Planning



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