"رؤية الواقع من خلال الإبداع الأسطوري في الشرق القديم" by Samir Itani


Myth played a principal role in old agricultural and pre-agricultural societies. The mythical thought has developed throughout the years but we got only the last versions of texts that have been recorded after being developed, though we approximately received their final version. The myth is a literary text which authors were the temples priests at that time. Its role is to determine the origins of the community’s vision towards the existence and the contribution of the society in this vision based upon a metaphysical belief scope. Thus, the text should express human feelings towards its problems on its cultural part. The problem of the present study is represented by the way the myth is moved to the lived reality and the intellectual or metaphysical expectancy.


أسطورة، حضارة، أدب، معتقدات قديمة، الشرق القديم



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