

According to Ronald Carter (2011), Creativity is such a complex and protean term to define. It involves inventiveness, imagination, novelty, originality and a myriad of other aspects. In language, in particular, creativity manifests itself in humans’ ability to produce an infinite number of sentences never spoken before and understand sentences never heard before or what Chomsky calls “creative aspect” of language use (Fromkin and Rodman, 1993.) It is of two types: rule-bound creativity and rule-breaking creativity. The researchers explore creativity employed in different language discourse such as slips of the pen, slips of the tongue, oxymoron, paradox, collocation, blends, anomaly, pragmatics, euphemisms, markedness and unmarkedness, puns, and text messaging.


Creativity, polysemy, metaphor, idiom, collocation, lexical ambiguity, anomaly, repetition, acronym, paradox, tongue twisters

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