"LOVE OF LIFE IN NINE DEVELOPED AND UNDERDEVELOPEDCOUNTRIES" by AHMED ABDEL-KHALEK Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, and MAYSSAH EL NAYAL Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Human Sciences


Love of life, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Algeria, Malaysia, India, Iran, USA


Architecture | Business | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences


The present research sought to explore the differences between developed and underdeveloped countries on the Love of Life Scale (LLS). Nine samples (N =3,799) took part in the study. They were university students from Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Algeria, Malaysia, India, Iran, and USA. Sex-related differences in LLS were significant only in Kuwait (in favor of males) and India (in favor of females). The samples of Malaysia and U.S.A. obtained the highest mean LLS score, followed by participants from Qatar, India, and Kuwait, (males), and India, Iran, Qatar, and Algeria (females), respectively. The Pearson correlation of LLS with the World Happiness Ranking and the Gross Domestic Product per capita was positive, but negative with the unemployment percentage. However, the correlations did not reach statistical significance because of the small number of the samples. It was concluded that the samples from high-income countries tend to have high LLS scores.



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