"THE IMPACT OF FOSSIL AND RENEWABLE ENERGYCONSUMPTION ON THE ECONOMIC G" by HANADI TAHER Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Business Admiration


Fossil Energy Consumption, Renewable Energy Consumption, Economic


Architecture | Business | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences


This study examines the effect of the fossil fuels consumption and the renewable energy to the economic growth in Lebanon using multiple linear regression using time series fixed effect model method over the period 1990–2012. The results showed that the fossil energy consumption has a positive impact on the economic growth while the renewable energy consumption with negative coefficient. Other control variable as the real gross fixed capital formation and the labor force have positive coefficient while the urbanization has negative coefficient and statistically significant. The research data collected from the World Development Indicators then it is regressed using OLS multilinear regression. The results show a statistically significant positive impact of fossil energy consumption and negative impact of renewable energy consumption on the Lebanese economic growth. After testing the stationarity levels, the co-integration tests confirm the existence of co-integrating relationship between the variables



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