"DEFINING INDICATORS OF COOPERATION NETWORKING ANDLEARNING DEVELOPMENT " by MAYSARA OSMAN Postgraduate Student, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, (international student and KHALID. AL-HAGLA Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


Cooperation Learning & Networking, Urban Development, Port-Zones Development, Alexandria, Port Sudan.


Architecture | Business | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences


Lately, Cooperation Learning & Networking Development programs (CNL) has approved success in achieving rapid growth in urban areas. Its potentiality to afford remarkable improvement supports the joint learning and cooperative innovation processes in different cities in different territories. Also, networking for cooperative learning is benefiting the technological development in communication means and social media to provide wider involvement in urban growth to achieve better life cities. This paper is aiming to understand the constituents of CNL in urban development. Also, it targets neighborhoods in port areas which need prompt, effective and collective improvement in the urban life of cities in developing countries. This research is held by studying the possibility and applicability of a suggested project for 9 neighborhoods at port zones in Alexandria (Egypt) and Port Sudan (Sudan). The research identifies the potentiality of CNL development by considering assessing indicator. These indicators are studied throughout SWOT analysis and opportunities’ exploring for the prospective growth towards a sustainable development. It also suggests a future extension for the project to include more port zones in similar cities in the region to achieve common goals.



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