Natural Narcotics; Phytochemical Content; Analysis; Social Hazards.
Architecture | Business | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences
Narcotics can cause a wide range of adverse effects. The analysis of the narcotics phytochemical content utilizing rapid and efficient techniques have become of imminent need. The use of illegal drugs has been a long-standing problem in the world, a problem that has taken on a particular urgency in the last 30 years. The aim of the study is to develop comprehensive rapid technique in the field of phytochemical content analysis of narcotics, and to illustrate the role of the new narcotics on many psychological, physiological and social hazards, and giving recommendations on how to find solutions to these problems. Premature mortality, epidemiologic consequences, and economic costs of illness are all presently associated with alcohol or tobacco separately greatly outweighs the comparable measures for cocaine, heroin, and all other drugs combined. Concerns about criminal enterprises and fear of an insecure future are also considered from the psychological and social hazards of the new narcotics. The availability, unemployment, and illiteracy about the hazards of these narcotics; all contribute to self-poisoning and to the cost of the health services. Therefore, it is recommended to educate young people, and to make stricter border surveillance with longer prison sentences, and increased government spending on prevention, and enforcing anti-drug laws with more research about this important topic. In conclusion, RP-HPLC alone or in combination with GC-MS has shown to be a comparatively rapid and efficient method in detection of the phytochemical content of narcotics.
Recommended Citation
Raafat, Kareem
BAU Journal - Health and Wellbeing: Vol. 1:
1, Article 4.
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