"The Digital Fabrication Lab Contribution to the Sustainable Developmen" by Marwan Halabi


Sustainable Development Goals, SGD9, Digital Fabrication, Technology in Architecture


Architecture | Business | Engineering | Life Sciences


The SDGs, commonly known as Sustainable Development Goals, unveil the shortcomings and deficiencies of the building sector facing of the challenges of the planet. Unfortunately, the news is not positive since the objectives established by the United Nations General Assembly should be reached by 2030. From the 17 goals and 169 targets, a case study was developed in order to test its effectiveness against SDG 9, which deals with Infrastructure, Innovation and Industry. In this sense, technology should play a significant role in the mapping criteria against the objective and its targets. Therefore, an overview of the potential digital tools will be exposed, and with a later test carried out using some of these tools with a balanced process among digital design, fabrication, and use of a material based on the waste produced at the Digital Fabrication Lab. From a variety of trends in technology such as the BIM or the virtual and augmented reality, a test was carried at the Digital Fabrication Lab, mixing different digital and material technologies, in order to assess its effectiveness and deficiencies related to the SDG9. A preliminary matrix of the case study would show the targets capable of being covered by taking advantage of such tools and systems to provide guidelines for further steps to tackle SDG 9. Conclusions were drawn both as scientific results and initiatives to take into consideration in order to contribute in the impact that recommendations should cause on such an ambitious goal.



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