

Child, Child Rights, Sexual Exploitation, Child Pornography, Human Trafficking or Trafficking in Individuals.


Architecture | Business | Engineering | Life Sciences


This research deals with one of the most sever international crimes at the time, which is child exploitation in pornographic materials. The Lebanese legislator has recently incorporated this crime in the Electronic Transactions and Personal Data Act enacted on October 18, 2018, by replacing articles 535 and 536 of the Penal Code with article 120 under new provision entitled “Exploitation of Minors in Pornographic Materials”. Undoubtedly, this criminalization falls within the agenda of the 2030 Sustainable Development plan, developed and promoted by the United Nations, which presents a comprehensive blueprint to ensure that all humans are respected and living peacefully and comfortably, in the present and in the future. The plan sets 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The 16th goal deals particularly with peace justice and strong institutions. It aims among other issues to “end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children, promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all, promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development, and develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels”. Four years have elapsed since the start of the implementation of this plan. Governments (the Republic of Lebanon) are working to translate this shared vision into plans and strategies for national developments.



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